SammyBags - Everyday Reusable
Made with Washable Reusable Kraft Paper
The Everyday Bag effortlessly fits in with your lifestyle to accommodate your groceries and library books through to picnics at the beach and oranges on the sideline.
Made with Washable Kraft Paper – brush out the crumbs, wipe off the stickies, or pop it in the washing machine on any cycle for a sweeter clean. Designed to be used 10 times, 20 times, 50 times......hundreds of times! A one off cost that is all about reducing single use waste!
So what is Washable Kraft Paper?
Like the name suggests its washable paper. In fact you’ve probably come across it before, that brown papery patch on the back of Levis Jeans . . . Yep that’s the stuff and that’s why you can chuck SammyBags into the wash time and time again and not have it get damaged.
Hand made in Christchurch, New Zealand by David & Sam – $1 from every bag sold goes towards supporting mental health in our community.
Learn how SammyBags came about - a heartwarming story.
Size - 34cm x 31cm
Colour - Black or Kraft (Natural)
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